I’ve been told, if I know where I came from, it can make my life easier to navigate. Self-knowledge is not only freeing. It can be beneficial as far as making adjustments and corrections to one’s outlook and day to day living patterns. It can also assist in achieving what we came here to do by identifying our purpose. My personal choice is to embrace aspects of my West African AND my African American ancestry and culture. Here are a few of my thoughts on certain topics. Look for more with the coming of my second book!
EgbeOgba (Comrades in Heaven): Experiences of a New World Initiate
(The paper below was originally written for presentation at the Association for Dream Studies Conference in 2001, Modesto, California, and has since been revised)
I have been a dreamer for as long as I can remember. Messages come to me in my sleep and manifest over a period of time. I was accident prone, as well as somewhat sickly at times during my infancy and childhood. As an adult, my Nigerian godfather consulted with me, and suggested I receive ancient initiation rites that would “be most beneficial to my development.” I did as he suggested in 1996 in Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria. This document is the beginning of further study, research and experiences. My goal is to share information, shed some light on activities that manifest in many people’s lives and hopefully provide a level of understanding of other cultural perspectives on aspects of human spiritual, psychological, and emotional life. Remember: as an “unseen” energy, the human mind is one of the most phenomenal, powerful, mysterious and complex energies in the universe. Also consider, certain behavior traits and potentials are passed along through family lineages, just like hair and eye color. Some of the behavioral tendencies we display, we got honest! Investigate your family history and see what you come up with.
The term “Egbeogba” is a name given to a group of what are described as child-like, sometimes mischievous energies that when recognized and worked with, can provide one great support. The word “egbe” means society, and “egbeogba” means “the group does not accept”. (“The group is precocious” sounds like it might be appropriate as well!) When unrecognized or otherwise not worked with, “they” through the energy they exude, can be somewhat disruptive. Sometimes MAJOR disruptive… (*continued)
*(The above paper is included in my second book, to be published late 2024. Look for the complete paper at that time!)
© Barbara J. Barrett 2001, revised March 2020
Culture R Us. Can You Hang?
The change in culture is noticeable upon arrival in the airport. Almost exclusively, people of color traveling and working; the language difference; the laid back atmosphere, but there’s the hustle on the streets and the “lack of” what we’d call “order.” Let’s look at the hustle in the video below. I ain’t mad at him. I was in awe of him! Running alongside of even slowly moving traffic, carrying a whole case of bottled water on your head is like some stuff a trainer might have you attempt to do in the gym!
Finally, there’s the issue of ADLs or, “Activities of Daily Living.” When I was young, I remember the wringer washing machine for a really short period of time before the automatic washing machine took over. Even after the acquisition of the washing machine and accompanying clothes dryer, my mother would oftentimes choose to hang the bed sheets outside in the sun on the clothesline. Her reasoning was they smelled so fresh! Well, of course now they have Fresh Scent dryer fabric softener sheets. Nope, not the same. There were no clothes dryers where we stayed in Nigeria or Ghana but the clothes always smelled fresh and clean. Just like my mother’s and grandmother’s.
Plan to take a trip to your ancestral land. Whatever your ancestry, go check out where your people came from. Walk in the dirt, bring some dirt home, tour, take some pictures, eat the food, talk to people. I’ve been blessed with four trips to West Africa and will go again, God-willing. It’s through experiences such as these, that we’ll gain greater understanding of who and why we are.
That goes for ALL of us, and ALL of our ancestry. Everyone living has ancestors. Do a Sankofa move and “go back and get it” and be honest with what’s found. That’ll help tremendously with healing and growth.
“Ori mo ja ju won. Eni ori, da kola fa ra we o.”
“Head is a better defender. One whose head is good has no equal.”
What’s most important to me is destiny and purpose, gentleness of character, and the condition of my Ori. The concept of one’s Ori, or “one’s own head” is of primary importance in Ifa theology. My primary teacher in Ifa is Awise Agbaye (spokesperson to the world for Ifa) Dr. Ogunwande Abimbola. It’s because of him that I’m able to take a scholarly approach to the theology, compare it, and pass it on to others. The concept of Ori is truly universal, despite one’s choice of belief.
The African American church is still extremely important in the history of African Americans in the US. The need to adapt under horrific conditions forged a bond that’s been lasting despite historical challenges. In my humble opinion, both spiritual perspectives are important so as not to erase ANY parts of our history, no matter what process we choose to approach our lives now.